Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spring 1916..."Front Lines France"

In the spring of 1916, the notes of war were still blowing in the wind. Many of the young German men were  still being called to arms for the fatherland. There on the front lines in France, Dieter and Hans together again saw first hand the senseless killing, murder, and mutilation all covered in the guise of war. Dieter, transcending nationalism there in the trenches of  hell, wrote his now famous  "The Abyss Poem" in which he exhorted German youth to shake off the false gods of nationalism, the militarism that was leading Germany and the world into the abyss.That poem  sent from the front lines in France to Dieter's old friend and mentor Herr Romain at Der Munchen Zeitgemass was published shortly after, and it caused a stir across the whole of Germany. That poem earned Dieter Hess the lable of "traitor" in Germany. Soon after its publication, Dieter was arrested and taken back to Berlin under military arrest. He was taken to the infamous Military Containment Prison, outside of Berlin. There he was repeatedly told to publicly "recant" his views and poem. If he did so, the authorities promised that he would be discharged and given only a "few years" in prison. Of course, Dieter true to his character refused to alter his position, remembering Herr Romains last bit of advice to him, "always follow your conscience of what is right or wrong".

The Abyss by Dieter Hess

"Into the abyss all German youth
Drain your blood for the fatherland
Give even your last drops.
Your life will be made short
Fertilizer on foreign soil.
Yet back home, our people starve
To feed our military machine
Powered by narrow minded war lords.
I dare ask one question
Nay, one word
Why ? ..."

Thus Dieter was kept in solitary confinement, under terrible conditions, for the remaining part of the war. Shortly after Dieter's imprisonment Dieter's love Fraulein Deanna returned to Berlin, most likely to be closer to her love Dieter. I Kurt Muller, received only one letter and some of Dieter's prison verse during his imprisonment, written on good stationary. How the envelope was smuggled out, how Dieter acquired the stationary was not mentioned in Dieter's letter to me. But undeniably, the letter and prison verse in essence are Dieter's...

Dear Kurt,
I hope you are well, i also hope that your studies at the university are coming along well. I would have written sooner, if i could have, but getting this letter out to you alone is a miracle. I have been kept in solitary confinement now for over two years. My cell has no bed, only a thin mattress which lays on a cold concrete floor.
I am fed just enough to to be kept alive, a thin pasty soup in the morning. In the evening, more soup with a small chunk of sour bread. More often the soup is served cold, but when it is hot i am grateful. The authorities plan, it seems is to break my spirit, so i recant my views and poem. Kurt, i cannot and will not do this. Remember in our school days how once you asked me why i had stood up to Herr Lecht when he  accused me wrongly of talking in class. Well Kurt, the same principles apply now. I could not face myself each morning if i knowingly allow myself to take the "easy way out", to go against my conscience. This time its not Herr Lecht, but the German authorities.
This war has already taken too many lives. Mankind is dripping its ignorance in a flow of blood, followed by words of promised peace. But yet, my most high dream is that this flow of blood, will stop, that all men will be able to live in peace one day.
Kurt, remember that spring day in elementary school, when we skipped classes for the day, and spent the day, amid the hazelnut trees in the park along the river bank ? Being kept in this cold dark cell, i now long to return to that harmony with nature, to transcend soon. Convey my love to all those i hold dear, for i fear my time is short. No Kurt, no tears, no doubt, the universe is unfolding as it was designed...

Your friend always, Dieter

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